POTTER -- Tables were full of homemade desserts, and a main course including chicken strips and oysters Rocky Mountain-style at the 2025 Potter-Dix FFA Labor Auction and dinner.

In addition to sharing a table with a neighbor, there were numerous silent auction and live auction opportunities to bid before the FFA students introduced themselves in the labor auction.

According to Chapter President Micayla McConnell and vice-president Kaitlyn Nicklas, the Potter-Dix FFA Chapter has had a busy year so far.

"It's been very eventful. Our FFA members have competed in many LDEs and CDEs. Our Parly-Pro team placed first in our district, and is heading to state. I placed first in employment skills. We have competed in many other events," McConnell said.

She said Saturday night's auction included three locally raised beef.

Vice-President Kaitlyn Nicklas talked about her team's trip to Gordon, Neb.

"We went up to Gordon to compete in CDEs. My team did vet science. I believe I got a blue ribbon; didn't make it to State but we still went and competed and got the experience," she said.

The Potter-Dix teams are preparing for the next competition in March

FFA is not just a club for students planning on career as a farmer/rancher. It is more than than, according to McConnell and Nicklas.

"FFA is an organization that has allowed me personally to just dig deeper career-wise, and it allows me to be able to speak in front of people more," McConnell said.

She describes FFA as an organization that is not just for farm kids. It has something for everyone; one organization that can make "well-rounded" students.

Nicklas sees one of the benefits of FFA in the people she has met.

"I love FFA personally because of the people you can meet and all the networking you can do," she said.

Proceeds from the auction will go to Chapter expenses, including travel to the numerous events.