Friday's local scoreboard, Feb. 14
Alma 53, Cambridge 33
Ansley-Litchfield 38, Anselmo-Merna 27
Arapahoe 44, Bertrand 29
Arlington 70, Louisville 32
Arthur County 53, Potter-Dix 39
Bancroft-Rosalie 50, Logan View-Scribner-Snider 38
Beatrice 46, Grand Island Northwest 34
Bellevue West 77, Bellevue East 71
Bergan 54, Bishop Neumann 36
Blue Hill 41, Deshler 31
Bridgeport 64, Gordon/Rushville 42
Broken Bow 45, Cozad 33
Burwell 41, Heartland Lutheran 33
Central City 63, Fullerton 25
Centura 52, Arcadia-Loup City 26
Columbus 48, Fremont 33
Crete 66, Lincoln Northwest 14
Cross County 45, Centennial 43
Diller-Odell 57, Exeter-Milligan-Friend 31
Doniphan-Trumbull 58, Wood River 46
Dorchester 46, McCool Junction 27
Elkhorn North 46, Norris 44
Elkhorn South 69, Omaha Westview 62
Elkhorn Valley 65, Archangels 47
Fairbury 56, Schuyler 33
Falls City Sacred Heart 61, Lewiston 30
Gering 65, McCook 63
Gothenburg 54, Kearney Catholic 37
Gretna East 52, Lincoln East 30
Hi-Line 46, South Loup 27
Hitchcock County 74, Wallace 42
Holdrege 61, St Paul 25
Homer 41, Bloomfield 28
Johnson-Brock 75, Humboldt/Table Rock-Steinauer 34
Kearney 65, Omaha Benson 36
Lincoln Southeast 36, Lincoln High 30
Loomis 62, Pleasanton 56
Lyons-Decatur Northeast 60, East Butler 48
Milford 63, Sandy Creek 29
Millard West 75, Omaha South 5
Nebraska City 36, Palmyra 31
Neligh-Oakdale 34, CWC 30
Niobrara-Verdigre 52, Boyd County 30
O'Neill 52, Ord 46
Oakland-Craig 62, West Point-Beemer 23
Omaha Gross 56, South Sioux City 47
Omaha Skutt 66, Elkhorn 41
Omaha Westside 69, Omaha Buena Vista 26
Overton 68, Sumner-Eddyville-Miller 34
Papillion-LaVista 81, Omaha Burke 31
Papillion-LaVista South 69, Lincoln Northeast 45
Perkins County 60, Sandhills Valley 33
Platteview 50, Douglas County West 41
Ponca 49, Norfolk Catholic 46
Raymond Central 60, Fort Calhoun 36
Sandhills-Thedford 43, Cody-Kilgore 31
Scottsbluff 48, North Platte 22
Shelton 67, Harvard 4
Sidney 63, Chadron 33
Silver Lake 51, Meridian 28
South Platte 61, Creek Valley 17
Southern Valley 59, Dundy County Stratton 55
Southwest 71, Axtell 22
Stuart 65, Randolph 21
Sutton 54, Fillmore Central 43
Syracuse 60, Conestoga 50
Tri County 61, Sterling 31
Winside 56, Ainsworth 47
Wynot 42, Hartington-Newcastle 30
York 47, Seward 33
Ainsworth 69, Winside 63
Alma 49, Cambridge 41
Amherst 61, Elm Creek 50
Ansley-Litchfield 46, Anselmo-Merna 38
Arlington 61, Louisville 33
Arthur County 59, Potter-Dix 54
Bancroft-Rosalie 61, Logan View-Scribner-Snider 36
Bellevue West 76, Bellevue East 56
Bergan 36, Bishop Neumann 33
Bertrand 70, Arapahoe 43
Bloomfield 63, Homer 29
Boyd County 58, Niobrara-Verdigre 21
Boys Town 66, Ralston 39
Bridgeport 76, Gordon/Rushville 31
Central City 51, Fullerton 47
Centura 46, Arcadia-Loup City 40
Chadron 71, Sidney 63
Cozad 66, Broken Bow 43
Crete 76, Lincoln Northwest 51
Cross County 56, Centennial 49
Deshler 64, Blue Hill 50
Doniphan-Trumbull 65, Wood River 57
Dundy County Stratton 80, Southern Valley 49
Exeter-Milligan-Friend 73, Diller-Odell 38
Falls City Sacred Heart 76, Lewiston 39
Fillmore Central 60, Sutton 47
Fort Calhoun 61, Raymond Central 41
Fremont 70, Columbus 40
Garden County 57, Hay Springs 55
Grand Island Northwest 52, Beatrice 41
Gretna East 69, Elkhorn Mt Michael 48
Hershey 61, Paxton 44
Hitchcock County 51, Wallace 26
Holdrege 75, St Paul 59
Johnson-Brock 84, Humboldt/Table Rock-Steinauer 41
Kearney 83, Omaha Benson 55
Kearney Catholic 60, Gothenburg 53
Lawrence-Nelson 54, Superior 47
Lincoln Christian 61, Cornerstone 36
Lincoln Southeast 80, Lincoln High 51
Maywood-Hayes Center 58, Wauneta-Palisade 30
McCook 62, Gering 55
McCool Junction 70, Dorchester 22
Medicine Valley 70, Brady 26
Milford 72, Sandy Creek 67
Millard South 104, Omaha Bryan 54
Nebraska City 36, Palmyra 31
Norfolk Catholic 66, Ponca 45
Norris 78, Elkhorn North 63
Omaha Skutt 67, Elkhorn 35
Omaha Westside 86, Omaha Buena Vista 48
Omaha Westview 80, Elkhorn South 69
Ord 73, O'Neill 49
Overton 59, Sumner-Eddyville-Miller 45
Papillion-LaVista 74, Omaha Burke 47
Papillion-LaVista South 73, Lincoln Northeast 66
Plainview 60, Creighton 38
Platteview 48, Douglas County West 30
Pleasanton 67, Loomis 57
Sandhills-Thedford 62, Cody-Kilgore 50
Scottsbluff 83, North Platte 49
Shelby-Rising City 55, Osceola 54
Shelton 66, Harvard 4
Silver Lake 49, Meridian 27
South Loup 55, Hi-Line 47
South Platte 56, Creek Valley 44
Southwest 64, Axtell 60
Stuart 78, Randolph 61
Syracuse 71, Conestoga 57
Tri County 64, Sterling 24
Wausa 78, Crofton 54
West Point-Beemer 60, Oakland-Craig 29
Wynot 47, Hartington-Newcastle 45
York 47, Seward 33
Arvada West 55, Horizon 23
Broomfield 54, Legacy 18
Bruce Randolph 33, Rocky Mountain Prep 26
Buena Vista 53, Rye 27
Burlington 56, Arickaree 19
Byers 59, Limon 45
Campion Academy 45, Mile High Adventist Academy 38
Cañon City 62, Widefield High School 44
Cedaredge 44, Meeker 27
Cherokee Trail 49, Eaglecrest 31
Cherry Creek 56, Overland 32
Coronado 59, Mesa Ridge 58
Cotopaxi 52, Manzanola 9
DSST: Cedar 53, Lincoln 28
DSST: Montview 57, DSST: Green Valley Ranch 12
Doherty 71, Liberty 27
Dove Creek 50, Montezuma-Cortez 39
Eads 36, Cheyenne Wells 26
East 75, Northfield 45
Eaton 55, Weld Central 31
FMHS 51, Palisade 25
Flagler 56, Bethune 43
Fleming 41, Briggsdale 22
Genoa-Hugo 41, Deer Trail 14
George Washington 63, Far Northeast 13
Grandview 79, Smoky Hill 12
Heritage 65, Ponderosa 40
Highlands Ranch 43, Rock Canyon 38
Idalia 46, Haxtun 37
John F. Kennedy 62, West 35
KIPP Denver 43, DSST: College View 21
La Veta 67, Walsh 42
Las Animas 37, Fowler 20
Legend 69, Chaparral 35
Little Snake River, Wyo. 83, North Park 16
Loveland 62, Greeley West 23
Manual 62, Denver SST 23
McClave 78, Kit Carson 23
Mitchell 63, Falcon 4
North 56, Thomas Jefferson 50
Northridge 52, Greeley Central 38
Palmer 35, Harrison 32
Pine Creek 63, Vista Ridge 26
Plateau Valley 65, Caprock 34
Pueblo County 34, Central 29
Rangely 60, De Beque 28
Regis Groff 46, Hinkley 14
Resurrection Christian 60, Highland 49
Rocky Mountain 54, Poudre 37
Sand Creek 49, Elizabeth 33
Sedgwick County 57, Holyoke 17
Sierra Grande 44, Sangre De Cristo 15
The Classical Academy 53, Sierra 39
University 63, Sterling 20
Valley 34, Fort Morgan 20
West Grand 37, Hayden 32
Windsor 61, Fort Collins 23
Yuma 64, Windsor Charter 38
Bethune 55, Flagler 51
Broomfield 76, Legacy 64
Bruce Randolph 67, Rocky Mountain Prep 48
Brush 57, Platte Valley 55
Buena Vista 64, Rye 32
Byers 58, Limon 55
Castle View 62, Douglas County 49
Cañon City 45, Widefield High School 39
Chaparral 54, Legend 46
Cheyenne Wells 51, Eads 45
Custer County 47, Sargent 44
DSST: Cedar 68, Lincoln 39
DSST: College View 63, KIPP Denver 42
DSST: Green Valley Ranch 57, DSST: Montview 40
Doherty 52, Liberty 49
Eaglecrest 58, Cherokee Trail 52
East 88, Northfield 70
Eaton 72, Weld Central 53
Estes Park 71, Denver Academy 33
Evangelical Christian Academy 60, Miami-Yoder 27
FMHS 51, Palisade 33
Fleming 71, Briggsdale 55
Fort Morgan 48, Valley 41
Grand Junction 65, Grand Junction Central 27
Grandview 78, Cherry Creek 66
Haxtun 59, Idalia 30
Heritage 82, Ponderosa 48
Holy Family 64, Skyline High School 48
Holyoke 73, Sedgwick County 57
La Veta 42, Walsh 35
Little Snake River, Wyo. 42, North Park 34
Loveland 68, Greeley West 45
Manual 90, Denver SST 85
McClave 65, Kit Carson 27
Meeker 68, Cedaredge 42
Mesa Ridge 50, Coronado 40
Mountain View 70, Wellington 46
Overland 45, Arapahoe 36
Palmer 85, Harrison 42
Peetz 59, Front Range Baptist 54
Plateau Valley 62, Caprock 29
Pueblo West 68, Fountain-Fort Carson 51
Rangely 57, De Beque 52
Rangeview 74, Vista PEAK 40
Regis Groff 84, Hinkley 19
Resurrection Christian 69, Highland 41
Rock Canyon 75, Highlands Ranch 60
Rocky Mountain 55, Poudre 41
Sanford 75, Del Norte 46
South 75, George Washington 53
Steamboat Springs 54, Moffat County 50
Sterling 59, University 49
Stratton 52, Merino 41
Swallows 67, Hoehne 56
The Classical Academy 63, Sierra 33
Thomas Jefferson 66, North 49
ThunderRidge 66, Mountain Vista 58
Valor Christian 82, Regis Jesuit 74
Vista Ridge 64, Pine Creek 58
Walsenburg 54, Aguilar 51
West 70, John F. Kennedy 40
Windsor 66, Fort Collins 51
Windsor 75, Yuma 72
Windsor Charter 75, Yuma 72
Arvada-Clearmont 58, Hulett 25
Big Piney 66, Wyoming Indian 56
Campbell County 54, Laramie 35
Casper Natrona 57, Jackson Hole 18
Cheyenne Central 69, Thunder Basin 48
Cheyenne South 54, Sheridan 9
Cody 64, Lovell 12
Cokeville 69, Farson-Eden 31
Douglas 70, Torrington 41
Kaycee 59, Casper Christian 9
Lingle-Fort Laramie 57, Rock River 5
Little Snake River 83, North Park, Colo. 16
Lusk 56, Guernsey-Sunrise 11
Mountain View 45, Lander 43
Newcastle 45, Glenrock 28
Pine Bluffs 44, Southeast 37
Pinedale 60, Lyman 26
Powell 69, Worland 38
Rawlins 48, Burns 32
Riverside 51, Dubois 27
Rocky Mountain 49, Greybull 21
Star Valley 43, Casper Kelly Walsh 38
Sundance High School 39, Big Horn 28
Thermopolis 77, Shoshoni 45
Tongue River 72, Wright 43
Wind River 38, Kemmerer 36
Big Piney 70, Wyoming Indian 68, OT
Campbell County 87, Laramie 81
Casper Christian 51, Kaycee 47
Casper Natrona 65, Jackson Hole 34
Cheyenne Central 69, Thunder Basin 48
Cody 60, Lovell 48
Cokeville 56, Farson-Eden 45
Douglas 76, Torrington 54
Dubois 57, Riverside 47
Glenrock 70, Newcastle 46
Hulett 69, Arvada-Clearmont 33
Kemmerer 60, Wind River 41
Lander 66, Mountain View 53
Lingle-Fort Laramie 70, Rock River 21
Little Snake River 42, North Park, Colo. 34
Lusk 68, Guernsey-Sunrise 23
Meeteetse 48, Ten Sleep 34
Pine Bluffs 78, Southeast 43
Pinedale 63, Lyman 57, OT
Rawlins 66, Burns 32
Rocky Mountain 62, Greybull 50
Sheridan 79, Cheyenne South 35
Star Valley 52, Casper Kelly Walsh 51
Sundance High School 56, Big Horn 40
Thermopolis 62, Shoshoni 34
Worland 78, Powell 75
Wright 70, Tongue River 20