Speeding enforcement campaign to start in Platte County

COLUMBUS, Neb. -- The Platte County Sheriff's Office said they are going to be teaming up with another agency to help reduce speeding and aggressive behavior while driving.
PCSO said that speeding and aggressive behavior account for more than one-quarter of all traffic-related fatalities nationwide.
The Sheriff's Office said they are teaming up with the U.S. Department of Transportaiton's National Highway Safety Administration (NHTSA) to remind drivers to stop speeding, and also to help stop this "risky driving behavior."
The Speeding Enforcement Campaign, "Speeding Catches Up With You" will run from July 10 to July 31.
PCSO said they have seen an increase in risk taking and careless driving over the last few years.
"Speed limits aren't a suggestion, they are the law," said the Sheriff's Office spokesperson. " Obeying the speed limit keeps both drivers and passengers safe. Drivers have many excuses for speeding, however it's a selfish choice that can have deadly consequences. Alcohol and weather also increase the likelihood of a crash while speeding."
The spokesperson said that the Sheriff's Office will be working in high traffic areas, as well as known accident areas for violators.
"If you are caught driving unsafe and speeding, expect a citation, it's a simple way to slow you down," said the spokesperson.
The funding for this effort is being provided by a grant form the Nebraska Office of Highway Safety.