HUMPHREY - Remembering those who've fallen in combat is something that should be set aside more often than just one day a year.

That was the theme of a Memorial Day ceremony in Humphrey on Monday.

The featured speaker at the event at the Humphrey Community Center was adjutant for Nebraska's chapter of Disabled American Veterans Jamie Jakub.

Jakub said Monday's solemn ceremonies and grave-site visitations shouldn't be the only time Nebraskans remember those who sacrificed in service of their country.

"Their final resting place should not be the only space we gather to share memories or sit in quiet contemplation," Jakub said. "To truly honor their lives we must share their stories with others and ensure their memories live on even though they're gone."

Jakub shared the stories of two area veterans killed in combat: Army 1st Lt. Edward Iwan of Albion, who was killed in Fallujah, and Marine Lance Cpl. Brent Zoucha of Clarks, who was killed in Iraq.

Jakub says remembering how they lived is just as important as remembering how they lost their lives.

"By sharing their stories we keep their memories alive and give others a glimpse of military service that aims to inspire them to create a better world, a stronger nation, and kinder communities," Jakub said.

Monday's event also featured the Honor Roll of the Dead, where area kids presented wooden crosses for each fallen soldier to a display set up by the American Legion Post 80 Auxiliary.

The ceremony was followed by visitations at five different cemeteries in Humphrey and Tarnov.