CCSO: Howells teen to appear in juvenile court following alleged shooting threat
Authorities said a Howells teen was referred to juvenile court on Friday for a school shooting threat.
Friday, March 31st 2023, 3:38 PM CDT

HOWELLS, Neb. -- Authorities said a Howells teen was referred to juvenile court on Friday for a school shooting threat.
The Colfax County Sheriff's Office said that a 13-year-old student in Howells was referred to juvenile court for making a school shooting threat on March 15.
The Sheriff's office said that they, along with the school and the FBI, assessed and investigated the incident.
Officials said that law enforcement will conduct all necessary follow-up investigations to assure there is no on-going threat to the safety of the school or community.
It was reported that the full investigation will be forwarded to Colfax County Attorney Bruce Prenda.
The student is expected to appear in court next week.