Columbus business to host annual Kids Safety Day Saturday
COLUMBUS, Neb. -- A business in Platte County is holding an event to help educate the public on children's safety.
Mike's Auto Sales and Towing is hosting its annual Kids Safety Day event this Saturday.
The event has been held every year for over 25 years.
Children and their parents will get to learn about EMS vehicles, how to stay safe in cars, and what to do in certain situations like fires and downed electric lines.
Mike Fleming, the owner of Mike's Auto Sales and Towing, said the reason his business began to host Kids Safety Day was due to seeing a multitude of child injuries from car accidents.
"We did it because what we were seeing back then is children not being fastened in properly and when there would be an accident, they'd get hurt," Fleming said. "What it has evolved into is every kind of aspect you could possibly think of for kids' safety."
Officials at the event will include the Columbus Police Department, Columbus Fire Department and the Nebraska State Patrol.
This week is also Child Passenger Safety Week.
According to the National Highway Traffic Administration, 680 child passenger vehicle occupants died in traffic crashes in 2020.
Fleming told News Channel Nebraska why it's so important for parents to make sure their child's seat is correctly installed.
"It might be the difference between having them with you or not. There are some pretty serious things that can happen out there in the automobile business when one gets tangled up with another," he said. "It can make a life or death difference."
Officials at Kids Safety Day will check kids' car seats to make sure they are installed and functioning properly.
Children will also have a chance to win a raffle for a brand-new bike and if they complete each event, will get a coupon for a free lunch at Runza.
The event will be held at Mike's Auto Sales and Towing from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.