SCHUYLER, Neb. -- The community of Schuyler is one step closer to creating a sports complex -- something that residents believe will unite and strengthen them.

Alfredo Alarcon, president of the project, said his team has hired a lawyer to file the project as a 501(c)(3) non-profit. 

At first, we didn’t know how to start and where to get started," Alarcon said. "Finally, we got a more organized core group of people and then as a group put funds together to hire a lawyer [...] It is nerve-wracking especially to be selected as president, but it's exciting."

"The way it started was really just a simple conversation with people in the community," Luis Lucar, Schuyler community organizer said.

Alarcon said he used to play soccer in Schuyler, but the fields were not made for cleats and thus as kids, they were often kicked off. However, he continued, the sport is truly important to Schuyler. 

"I know we have parks but not a field for this sport. Soccer is not very popular in the U.S. but in our community, it’s a big deal," Alarcon said. "I think about what it is going to be like for my daughter [a baby] and whether she could play soccer on fields that are safe and good quality."

The plans are still in their infant stages, but possibly include an outdoor complex with a building. Organizers stressed that they've seen plans fall through before, but this time they are determined.

"We’re not here to mess around," Alarcon said. 

That's why they're hosting a fundraiser on Sunday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. where people can watch soccer and buy hotdogs, burgers, soda, and more. Food concessions will help them pay the non-profit filing and lawyer fees, amounting to about $400 left. 

The timeline to start construction is ideally within a couple of years. 

"The biggest hurdle will be finding a place to build, but we will get there," Alarcon said.