COLUMBUS -- Wednesday afternoon, Emily Kratochvil appeared at the Platte County Courthouse on her charges of sexual abuse during her time at Columbus Public Schools.

The 26-year-old former para-educator is facing charges of sexual abuse by a school employee, selling obscene literature to a minor, and two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a child.

According to court documents, Kratochvil had been accused of sending explicit images and videos to a 15 and 17-year-old.

A protection order was also filed against Kratochvil on behalf of an alleged student victim.

Kratochvil remains under an order not to contact anyone 15 years or younger. She is free on bond right now -- ten percent of $50,000.

She'll return to court for a preliminary hearing on August 3rd at 3 p.m.

In May, Columbus Public Schools sent this press release:

"Columbus Public Schools was made aware that a former classified employee was charged by local law enforcement yesterday. Following the termination of the employee, students reported concerning behaviors by the employee to school administration. The matter was immediately turned over to local law enforcement and there is an ongoing investigation. Columbus Public Schools is grateful for the prompt and professional response by the Columbus Police Department and will continue to assist in the ongoing investigation."